Returning the Favor and other Slices of Life

Returning the Favor
Returning the Favor
Now Available on Smashwords for Kindle and other ebook readers!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Cursing my lack of liquidity, I missed the Mansion guaranteed bet on the Steelers. They closed the promotion after accepting 5,000 people, putting themselves on the hook for a cool $5 million if the Steelers win, but less than that actually since a bunch of people signed up before Big Ben blew out his innertube and has to sit at home watching, so the line moved dramatically from Friday to Monday. Irrelevant, since my recent forays into ultimate loserdom have crushed my bankroll and left my without enough floating around to make an $1,100 wager without cleaning out a bunch of sites, so by the time everything made it back into Neteller, the promotion was closed.

Oh well, at least now all my money is in one place, rather than being spread all over the intarweb. It's not like I'm going to have any time to play poker for the next week or so anyway, since I go into heavy tech time for A Chorus Line starting tonight and continuing until opening next Wednesday. Not to mention meetings for the Metrolina Theatre Association and Southeastern Theatre Conference tonight and tomorrow night, and a seminar that I'm supposed to present tomorrow afternoon on some topic that I don't for the life of me remember what it is.

And it doesn't really slow down until roughly December, since my gig as President of the North Carolina Theatre Conference really kicks into high gear in the fall. The organization sponsors a statwide High School Play Festival with eight regional sited culminating in 16 shows being performed at our Fall Gathering the weekend before Thanksgiving, not to mention a Tony-Award-winning keynote speaker and a host of other programming at the Gathering, which is one of two major events that NCTC puts on each year.

Oh yeah, and I'll be going to Vegas for most of a week for a conference in the middle of October, right in the middle of everything. I annually attend LDI, Lighting Dimensions International, the largest entertainment lighting trade show in the US, and it's in Vegas every other year. This year I've convinced our company that instead of just being another guy in the booth, that they should turn me loose to live blog the show, giving multiple daily reports on new products, new hires, mergers, rumours and other jazz from the show. So that will at least be interesting, if tiring. Usually with booth duty, I only actually have to work 4-5 hours each day of the show. This gig will take a lot more time and concentration, which will likely cut down on my alcohol consumption. Bummer.

So the fall is kinda crazy 'round here, but I can't wait until I can put it all on hold for a few days and piss around NYC, AC and Malvern with the rest of you degenerates in a couple weeks. And my ten minutes are up.

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