Returning the Favor and other Slices of Life

Returning the Favor
Returning the Favor
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Monday, June 04, 2007

Wrapping up

Hand sanitizer - check

Burt's Bees lip balm - check

Revitalized bankroll - check

Laptop charged - check

Liver been warned - check

Cell phone wall charger - check

Download new stuff to watch on plane - not yet

iPod shuffle - check

iPod video - check

Big dork bringing more than one iPod - check check

kilt clean and pressed - check

haircut - check

new sunglasses - check

got all my shit done at work - you gotta be kidding me

hookup with that chick to get a couple Xanax for the plane - check

Yeah, so 48 hours from now I should be wheels up in the air over western SC about 20 minutes after takeoff, headed to the party. Of course I'm not caught up on my work. Of course I still have to buy toothpaste and deodorant, but I do have plenty of hair product. Thanks to my darling wife, almost every article of clothing I own is now clean, so I just need to figure out what I'm taking with me to wear and we'll be golden. Yeah, I know, it's a friggin' hardship to decide which black t-shirt I'm wearing each day. Usually I go by the time-honored excruciating process of "open the dresser and grab the one on top," but that doesn't always work when travelling. Ok, so it kinda does. Face it, I might not be a complete fashion moron (but I might), but I'll never, ever be a Donkeypuncher.

But here's my planned wardrobe, which for those of you never attending a blogger get-together might shed some light on the wide range of acceptable apparel. Unbeknownst to the good Doctor, it is acceptable to wear something other than jeans, an untucked dress shirt and a sport coat. The look works for him. Not so much for my fat ass.

Pants - I'll wear a pair of jeans, pack a pair of decent pants, and pack two pair of cargo shorts. More than enough for all the poker, and one decent pair of pants in case I end up going somewhere that needs such.

Shirts - lots of black t-shirts. It's a theatre thing, and after this long, it's just ingrained. I'll wear/stuff in my carryon a long-sleeve denim shirt for plane/casino wear, and I'll pack my Full Tilt jersey and a couple of short-sleeved shirts with collars.

Kilt - if you got it, flaunt it. I do, and I will.

Socks - this is important, and it's where I overpack. I take two pair per day of travel, and the first thing I do when I get into my hotel room is take off my socks. The world just looks better when you've got a fresh pair of socks.

Underwear - optional. See kilt.

Shoes - the poker rooms are almost always a long way from everything, so bring good shoes. They do not have to be "cute" shoes, ladies. Good shoes. I'm a cheap bastard, clothing-wise, but I buy good shoes. I suggest you do the same. But don't but good shoes today and expect them to be broken in by the time you land on Thursday.

I'll probably also toss a hoody or something in the bag, because a lot of poker rooms are friggin' COLD.

So that's how I pack for Vegas. This is disregarding the obligatory poker website ball cap, laptop and other electronics jizz that invariably comes along with. And make sure there's enough space in the bag for souvenirs, and a spare battery for the digital camera never hurts, either.


katitude said...


If I'd known you were bringing the kilt to Vegas, I'd have take out a loan to get there!

A girl's gotta know these things sooner babes.

Joe Speaker said...

If I were you, I'd warn your liver again.

Gonna miss ya, Johnny.

BrainMc said...

Is it OK to lug around a backpack to the casinos?

change100 said...

Dude... shoes can be comfortable AND cute. It just takes a little effort. ;)