Returning the Favor and other Slices of Life

Returning the Favor
Returning the Favor
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Monday, March 26, 2007

WPBT Summer Classic 2007 Update!

The dates are locked in, the room block is made, all that awaits is you, baby!

When - June 6 - 11

Where - The Orleans Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas

Who - Poker Bloggers, significant others, insignificant others and
random degenerates

Why - Because it's been months since we've all ambushed the hapless
tourists at a poker table and drank ourselves into insensibility

How - however you can get there, planes, trains and automobiles!

Anyway, all that bullshit aside, the Orleans has a block of rooms for
us held until May 6th. There are 50 rooms as part of the block and the
rates are as follows.

Wednesday - $60
Thursday - $60
Friday - $110
Saturday - $110
Sunday - $65

There is the typical $5 resort fee on top of this, plus taxes and
probably a disclaimer fee that the hotel it not responsible to any
damage you may do to yourself or your liver if you try to go
shot-for-shot with Al (that last bit's a joke, they won't charge extra
for drunkenness).

It will be a couple of days before they are ready to accept
reservations as part of the block, but should be good to go by Friday.
Annette in group sales was my rep and she was very helpful. I'll be
playing a bit of the cruise director as we go along and plan a few
informal get-togethers for later in the weekend, and of course, there
will be mixed games at the MGM on Friday night.

See you this summer!


StB said...

Wednesday? You are serious about getting your gamble on!

Easycure said...

Wasn't The Orleans imploded a couple of years ago? ;p

Great job getting it together! I hope we can make it (as we owe you dinner!)

John G. Hartness said...

Dude, Wednesday is just for drinking!

BrainMc said...

Have you decided on the date for the live tournament?

Yoyo (Poker Poison) said...

Can't wait!